The answer may surprise you. Humans walk; an activity that has been around for centuries. It’s hard to say who specifically invented walking, but the theory is that the first humans to do it were prehistoric humans. They would have walked as a means of transportation and movement from one place to another. Over time, walking has evolved into a popular form of exercise and a way to stay healthy.
But, have you ever wondered who were the first humans that invented walking? Finding out who and when they invented walking is a difficult question to answer. The evolutionary past theory of walking isn’t well known because walking is such an ancient activity from over a million years ago.
The first human stood and advanced to walk were likely prehistoric human species. Over a million years ago they would have walked as a means of transportation and long distance traveling (ultra distance walking) from one place to another. It would have also helped them develop stone tools and more advanced upper body movements that we can learn about from their foot prints and other fossils.
You may have read about the theory of Albert Ignatious Osselwalker being the first human to walk, however this theory is a joke and is easily proven false. Walking was invented well before Osselwalker was born.
The Origin of Walking on Two Legs

Over a million years ago, our ancestors walked on two legs for the first time. These eras featured human-like and ape-like animal movements in tandem, a phenomenon that is extremely unusual. One theory some scientists believe that this change in posture and locomotion was due to the need for early humans to travel long distances.
Earliest evidence bipedal human ancestor is believed to be Ardipithecus Ramidus (Ardi’s Species), who lived around four and a half million years ago. This species was very different from modern humans, but they did walk upright.
Another evidence of bipedal locomotion is the Laetoli footprints, which are around three and a half million years old. These fossilized footprints were left behind by two Australopithecus Afarensis individuals and they show that these early humans moved in a common form to the way more modern humans stood on the ground with their two feet and walked.
It’s likely that walking has been around for even longer than three and a half million years. It was an important part of human evolution. However, the earliest evidence we have of it is from this time period.
Short history: Same Walking Ancestor
Walking has been around for millennia; it’s possible that the first humans to walk were prehistoric humans. They would have walked as a means of transportation and movement from one place to another. Over time, walking has evolved into a popular form of exercise and a way to stay healthy.
How Walking has Evolved over the Years?
Evolution Walking of Humans in the past
Evolutionary development of humans walking begin with our earliest ancestors. Long distance walkers in the past walking because they needed to survive and find food to cook or eat raw.
Walking on two legs over a million years ago would have helped the first human such as homo erectus in Africa and other forms of the first human – those that used stone tools etc. cook food, defend themselves from predators, and develop their feet to help mould them into what we know as early humans.
Evolution Walking of Humans in the Present
Nowadays, walking has changed for health benefits. People walk to improve their physical health, as well as reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Walking has also become a competitive sport some examples being: competitive walking, speed walking, and long-distance walking to show which athlete has the power to walk for a long time. Walking was invented out of necessity, but now we think of it as a normal part of our daily lives.
The Future of Walking
In the future more and more people will begin to see the value in taking a walk for their health. Additionally, new technologies may develop emerge that make walking even more beneficial. For example, virtual reality could be used to simulate walks through different landscapes, or to provide exercise programs that are tailored specifically for walking.
How Technology has Changed the Way People Walk

Recent technology has changed the way people now walk in a few different ways. First of all, since they invented walking there are now devices that can track how many steps you take and the distance you walk. This information can be used to benefit health and help you stay motivated and reach your fitness goals.
There are apps that can provide walking directions and routes, as well as map out the best places to walk in your area.
Finally, there are a number of different fitness devices and gadgets that can be used while walking, such as pedometers and heart rate monitors. All of these things make it easier than ever to get out there and start walking, all while gaining useful feedback and data to help you improve your workout.
The Difference between Animals Walk VS Human Walk
Animals often move on all four legs, while humans walk on two feet and walk upright. This difference is due to the way our bodies are built and how we evolved. Humans have a more upright posture than animals. This allows us to walk on two legs. Additionally, our hips and pelvis, and legs are positioned in a way that makes bipedal walking more efficient.
Many animals walk differently to humans. They have to use both their shorter arms and legs to move in all directions, which makes it difficult for them to pivot and move in certain manners the way humans learned.
Additionally, they many animals can’t move as fast as humans because they don’t have the same level of balance and coordination in combination with a small stride for most of them. Walking upright is part of an evolution that other forms of life e.g. other species, many of which began in Africa too, did not require.
Ape like animals are an exception to the above as they are powerful and can walk similar to humans, although they often walk on all 4 limbs too, the same way some walking robots do.
The Benefits of Walking

Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that has many benefits for your health. Walking can:
- Help to improve your cardiovascular fitness
- Strengthen your bones and muscles
- Improve your balance and coordination
- Improve your mental health and mood
- Help you to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight
- Combined with rhythmic breathing can also help to improve your lung function
- Prevent or treat a variety of diseases, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and type 2 diabetes
- Boost your energy levels
As you can see benefits of walking help you stay healthy, both physically and mentally. So the next time you have some extra time, go for a walk.
How to Start a Walking Routine?
If you’re not currently active, start idea by gradually adding more walking into your day. Try to walk for at least 30 minutes each day, and increase the amount of time you walk over time.
When you first start a walking routine, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. Make sure that you are maintaining good posture and walking at a steady pace. You may also want to try walking in intervals, alternating between periods of fast and slow walking.
If you’re looking for a more challenging workout to stay in shape, consider adding some hills or stairs into your route, or turn up the speed on your treadmill at the gym. Or, if you’re up for a longer walk, try exploring new areas near you.
And another important thing to help you walk effectively is to get enough rest. Sleeping well was invented well before walking, and it is just as important to a healthy lifestyle – if not more – so make sure you always get enough time to recuperate before any strenuous physical exercise.
Even if you plan to walk slowly and just chill, you’ll enjoy your time much more if you have a good night’s rest the evening before you go for your long walk.
Walking Tips and Tricks
Here are a few tips and tricks to help make your walking routine more effective. These tips will maximize the health benefits of your workout, and can be modified depending on your age and fitness level.
- Wear the right shoes. Make sure you are wearing supportive shoes that fit well. It will help you feet comfortable.
- Stretch before you walk. This will help to prevent injuries and improve your flexibility.
- Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is important for both your health and your performance when walking.
- Walk at a steady pace. Don’t rush, but also don’t walk too slowly. Try to find a pace that’s comfortable for you and stick with it. Mix in some power walking with some slower foot movement.
- Avoid distractions. Stay focused on your walking routine and avoid letting other things distract you from your workout.
- Walk in intervals. The idea of alternating between periods of fast and slow walking helps to keep things interesting and challenging.
- Walk with a friend. Walking with a friend can make your workout more enjoyable and help to keep you motivated.
- Use technology. There are a number of different devices and apps that are supposed to help you track your progress and stay on track with your walking movement and routine.
The next time you have some extra time, go for a walk! You’ll be glad you did.
Fun Ways to Walk around Your City or Town

There are a number of different ways to walk around your city or town and explore new areas. Here are a few ideas:
Walk the dog. Taking your dog for a walk is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air.
Take a nature hike. If you’re lucky enough to live near a park or nature reserve, take advantage of it and go for a walk in the great outdoors as often as you can.
Visit a farmers market. Walking around a farmers market is a great way to support local businesses and get some fresh, healthy food.
Explore a new neighborhood. Walking around a new neighborhood is a great way to find new places to eat, shop, and explore.
Who invented walking? The answer is, we all did! Since walking is still being improved and developed every day. Homo erectus were walking upright, but since then we have turned walking into a leading sport, there has been evolution in the form of power walking and afghan walking (combining rhythmic breathing), competitive walking e.g. sponsored walks to raise money for charities, and other remarkable feats all about this great foot and two legs ground movement.
Since the first inventions surrounding foot movement, walking was invented, then afghan walking, and now we have even invented walking robots! Walking is a great way to stay active and improve your health. So get out there and start walking! It doesn’t matter your age, history, or fitness level, anyone can do it.